On an early Sunday morning, Cousins, friends and I visited the beautiful
Islet of Canigao, near the municipality of Matalom
Leyte. As what I heard from Bloggers and friends, Canigao won't fail your expectations as what an island should look like - and I mean, Canigao Island has white sands covering the seashore, some green trees enough to complement that powdery sands and of course, if you didn't know, during low tides, you will probably love to stay on its mini-sandbar which extends far from the seashore.
So, wanna know
HOW TO GET TO CANIGAO ISLAND? (Base on our Experience)
FaceCebu.Net Author (LEFT) and his cousins and friends |
1. If you are from Cebu, take the Shipping Service from Cebu to Hilongos ( PHP 250-350.00 , Economy of Roble Shipping )2. From Hilongos Port, take a cycle rickshaw or trisikad going to Highway ( PHP 15-20.00 )3. From the Highway, take a Jeep going to Matalom ( PHP 30-40.00 )4. From Matalom Highway, walk to Matalom Port going to Canigao Island4. From Canigao island port, list down your name and pay for pumpboat fare (back and forth) ( PHP 95.00 - 50 for fare and 45 for entrance fee which includes use of comfort room, shower room and island maintenance) |
Me and Cousins at Hilongos Port |
Canigao Island is being maintained and managed by Local Government Unit (LGU) of Matalom Leyte.
Here are some photos we have during our stay. |
My Cousin and I in the early morning shot at Matalom Port |
FaceCebu.Net Author in Matalom Port | | |
Here are some of our group photos near the Sandbar |
And of course, this
summer outing won't be complete without the "Jump Shot"